Welcome to

VFW Post 44


How can I donate?

Donations can be mailed to VFW Post 44, PO Box 149, Clifton Springs, New York 14432. Both cash and checks made out to VFW Post 44 are accepted. All contributions stay with our local post and help to continue our legacy of supporting veterans in our community. Donations are also used to maintain post operations, aide in carrying out community projects and further give back to the community as a whole. We thank you for the continued support. If there is a donation matter you'd like to further discuss, please reach out to Jim Sanford, Mark Watts, or email us at vfwpost44@gmail.com.

Can I have a veteran banner created or modified?

Our local banners are a great way to honor a veteran. If there is a banner that you'd like to discuss, please contact Jim Sanford or Mark Watts.

Interested in joining the Post 44 family?

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